I can offer you these type of services depend on your needs:
PPC Advertising With Google Ads Search
Creating Standalone Landing Pages
E-mail Automation

Google Ads Search
These type of advertising gives you really strong tool to accost your potential customers. Your offer will shown to people depend on your keywords and strategy.
There is few basic options for your strategy :
Click Through Rate
Impression Share
You can impress high amount of people, but just a few of them will take action. Or you can aim for small group of people with higher posibility to convert. These setup completly depends on you and your needs.

Standalone Landing Pages
If you offer your product or service, you can send your customer to the homepage, but he may feel lost and potentialy go away.
For prevent this situation, I can design specific one page with only one purpose for your offer, so he will be interest way much more and more probably take action.
Take action should have a lot types of outputs:
Creating e-mail list
Give away free e-book